Winter Rates $10 All Day,
End March 31st
Golf Membership at link below
(Available Now)

Golf course access – Access to the golf course is subject to availability. Certain private events may dictate that the golf course is closed.
Hours of operation - Hours will be established considering the season of the year and other circumstances. Course closes at nightly at dusk.
Golf course access – Access to the golf course is subject to availability. Certain private events may dictate that the golf course is closed.
Alcohol or other intoxicants - are not permitted on the course and Staff has the absolute right to refuse service to any member or guest based on individual’s apparent state of intoxication.
Damages or Injury to person or property - Golfer agrees to pay for any damages to the facilities or grounds, or for injuries to any person. Golfers also agree to hold CBGC and its employees, agents, and owners, harmless.
Property and equipment – CBGC property includes equipment that is provided for all course users. These items may not be taken out of their designated areas. Removal of these items from CBGC property will be deemed as theft and violators will be prosecuted.
Alcohol or other intoxicants - are not permitted on the course and Staff has the absolute right to refuse service to any member or guest based on individual’s apparent state of intoxication.
Clubs and balls -Golfers must play only one ball at a time and all players must have their own clubs, unless approved in writing by pro shop
Golfer removal - Golfers may be removed from the Golf Course due to threatening or abusive behavior, damaging the golf course, or behavior that may cause injury to themselves or others. Golfers may be removed from the golf course due to threatening weather
Group size - The maximum number of players allowed per group is four (4)
Clubs and balls -Golfers must play only one ball at a time and all players must have their own clubs, unless approved in writing by pro shop
Marshals - Golf marshals may be on duty to help regulate play and enforce Rules and Regulations. Your cooperation is appreciated. Golfers must comply with the Course Management, pro shop and
or Marshal’s instructions. Failure to do so may result in removal from the course.
No ride alongs unless approved by pro shop in writing
All players must check in at the pro shop. Players must start play from hole 1 unless otherwise directed by the pro shop.
Marshals - Golf marshals may be on duty to help regulate play and enforce Rules and Regulations. Your cooperation is appreciated. Golfers must comply with the Course Management, pro shop and
or Marshal’s instructions. Failure to do so may result in removal from the course.
Lost and found - CBGC is not responsible for items left in carts or on course. Any items found in carts or on the course will be placed in the pro shop lost and found bin and will be disposed of after 7 days if not claimed.
No pets - No Pets on the course or in carts ( except for service animals).
Music - Music must be kept to a volume that does not disturb other golfers or you will be instructed to turn it off and if the golfer fails to comply, they will be removed from the course.
Lost and found - CBGC is not responsible for items left in carts or on course. Any items found in carts or on the course will be placed in the pro shop lost and found bin and will be disposed of after 7 days if not claimed.
Age restrictions - Golfers under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Children under 11 are allowed on the course by prior written approval of the pro shop.
Cart reservations - No reserving of rental carts. All carts will be rented on a first come first served basis.
Holiday weekends - Carts are required on holiday weekends unless approved in advance by the proshop. Walkers will only be approved if play has slowed enough to allow it.
Age restrictions - Golfers under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Children under 11 are allowed on the course by prior written approval of the pro shop.
Permanent tee times - Permanent tee times are not permitted. We are happy to reserve tee times, but CBGC reserves the right to move any pre-booked groups.
Winter play - The course is open year-round but no play is allowed when there is frost on the greens.
Permanent tee times - Permanent tee times are not permitted. We are happy to reserve tee times, but CBGC reserves the right to move any pre-booked groups.
Loss of privileges - Failure to cancel or not showing up for tee times twice in a season will result in loss in ability to make tee times for the rest of the year.
Reserving tee times - Tee time reservations will only be taken up to 7 days in advance. Please give the pro shop a 24 hour cancelation notice before your tee time.
Arrive early - Golfers need to arrive 7 minutes prior to tee time to complete check in and be prepared to tee off on time. Failure to be ready could result in loss of tee time.
Loss of privileges - Failure to cancel or not showing up for tee times twice in a season will result in loss in ability to make tee times for the rest of the year.
Private golf carts – Use of private golf carts is by permit use only and are to be operated only by valid licensed driver's over 16 years old. Daily trail fees are levied per policies and regulations. Seasonal cart permits are available by contract use only and are not included in Membership holder seasonal fee and are only available for purchase by members.
rental golf carts – Use of CBGC golf carts is by contract use only. Golf carts must be signed out prior to each use. Only licensed drivers over the age of 18 may operate the carts. You must adhere to all the rules and regulations, as set forth in the use contract.
Private golf carts – Use of private golf carts is by permit use only and are to be operated only by valid licensed driver's over 16 years old. Daily trail fees are levied per policies and regulations. Seasonal cart permits are available by contract use only and are not included in Membership holder seasonal fee and are only available for purchase by members.
Cart capacity- Only two persons and two sets of golf clubs are permitted in rental carts. Private carts are limited to available seats but cannot exceed group size rule.
Rental carts shall be kept clean- All trash must be removed at the end of play.
Golf carts must register - All golf carts must register with the pro shop prior to use on the course.
Cart capacity- Only two persons and two sets of golf clubs are permitted in rental carts. Private carts are limited to available seats but cannot exceed group size rule.
Loss of privileges - Violations of the golf cart rules may result in loss of cart and
or playing privileges.
Golf carts must be kept 30 yards away from greens and tees and must be operated in a way that does not damage the course. Never drive a golf cart through a hazard.
Carts on course - Privately owned carts are only allowed on the course during open hours and then only for the sole purpose of playing a purchased round of golf. People found driving on the course at other times are subject to prosecution for trespassing and/or being barred from the course.
Loss of privileges - Violations of the golf cart rules may result in loss of cart and
or playing privileges.
Membership - New member must sign member agreement either in person or digitally within 14 days of purchase or membership may be canceled. Members will receive a temporary card until they check in at the proshop to have photo taken and final membership card issued
Ownership – Membership(s) are non-transferable and non-refundable. Membership(s) are valid for only named persons listed on their contract.
Membership - New member must sign member agreement either in person or digitally within 14 days of purchase or membership may be canceled. Members will receive a temporary card until they check in at the proshop to have photo taken and final membership card issued
Rental golf carts – Use of CBGC golf carts is by contract use only. Golf carts must be signed out prior to each use. Only licensed drivers over the age of 18 may operate the carts. You must adhere to all the rules and regulations, as set forth in the use contract.
Registering – All members must scan their card at the pro shop during open hours prior to using the course and must fill out a membership slip at the honor box when golfing after hours.
Golf course privileges – Access to the golf course is subject to availability. Certain private events may dictate that the golf course is closed. Membership holder understands and agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall entitle pass holder to any of the facility on any day nor to any discount or refund on account of any limited access. Membership holder further understands that access to the course may be limited by CBGC as necessary.
Rental golf carts – Use of CBGC golf carts is by contract use only. Golf carts must be signed out prior to each use. Only licensed drivers over the age of 18 may operate the carts. You must adhere to all the rules and regulations, as set forth in the use contract.
Code of Conduct – All CBGC membership holders’, and their guests, agree to abide by the rules and regulations of CBGC. Any membership holder may be expelled by the management for violation of any rules or regulations of CBGC or for conduct which in the opinion of the management is detrimental to the welfare, safety and character of CBGC.
Private golf carts – Use of private golf carts is by permit use only and are to be operated only by valid licensed driver's over 16 years old. Daily trail fees are levied per policies and regulations. Seasonal cart permits are available by contract use only and are not included in Membership holder seasonal fee and are only available for purchase by members.
Golf carts must register - All golf carts must register with the Proshop prior to use on the course.
Code of Conduct – All CBGC membership holders’, and their guests, agree to abide by the rules and regulations of CBGC. Any membership holder may be expelled by the management for violation of any rules or regulations of CBGC or for conduct which in the opinion of the management is detrimental to the welfare, safety and character of CBGC.
Fees and charges – Membership holder understands and agrees that member is responsible for payment of all fees that may exist or arise and be charged by CBGC from time to time.
Damages or injury to person or property - Golfer agrees to pay for any damages to the facilities or grounds, or for injuries to any person. Golfers also agree to hold CBGC and its employees, agents, and owners, harmless.
Property and equipment – CBGC property includes equipment that is provided for all course users. These items may not be taken out of their designated areas. Removal of these items from CBGC property will be deemed as theft and violators will be prosecuted.
Fees and charges – Membership holder understands and agrees that member is responsible for payment of all fees that may exist or arise and be charged by CBGC from time to time.
Expiration – Regardless of purchase date all CBGC membership(s) expire December 31st of the membership year.
Cancellation – A breach of any of the terms and conditions of this contract will result in the cancellation of membership holder rights and privileges without any reimbursement of any kind. Should membership holder wish to cancel this agreement prior to its stated expiration for any reason whatsoever, there will be no refund, partial or otherwise, on the fees paid by the membership holder.
Purchase date – The stated date of purchase does not affect the purchase price of membership. Membership rates will not be prorated for a reduced amount in the event the membership is purchased during the term of the SEASONAL permit. (With the exception of Early Bird special.)
Expiration – Regardless of purchase date all CBGC membership(s) expire December 31st of the membership year.
REFUNDS – No refunds will be issued, All memberships are final regardless of course conditions.
Players should not play until the players in front are out of range.
All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times. This is the spirit of the game of golf.
Players should not play until the players in front are out of range.
All groups should tee off at their assigned time in order to maintain proper spacing ahead of them unless pro shop staff directs otherwise.
Players should be aware of the public walking trail between holes 1 & 2 and between holes 8 & 9 and display common Courtesies.
Players should ensure that any electronic device taken onto the course does not distract other players.
All groups should tee off at their assigned time in order to maintain proper spacing ahead of them unless pro shop staff directs otherwise.
Do not waste time. Players should anticipate the club or clubs they may need and go directly to their ball to play promptly when it is their turn. If a player is delayed in making their shot, they should indicate to another player to play out of turn.
Players should play at a good pace. It is a group’s responsibility to keep up with the group in front.
If the group falls behind pace, they may be asked to move their position and allow the faster group to play through
Do not waste time. Players should anticipate the club or clubs they may need and go directly to their ball to play promptly when it is their turn. If a player is delayed in making their shot, they should indicate to another player to play out of turn.
Before leaving a bunker, a player should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints made utilizing the provided rake. The rake should be left outside of the bunker.
When the play of a hole has been completed, players should immediately leave the putting green. Scoring should be done at the next tee while waiting for others in the group to play.
If a player believes his ball may be lost or out of bounds, to save time, he should play a provisional ball. Search for lost balls for a maximum of 5 minutes.
Before leaving a bunker, a player should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints made utilizing the provided rake. The rake should be left outside of the bunker.
Players should carefully repair any divot holes made by them and any damage to the putting green made by the impact of a ball
In order to avoid damaging the hole, players should not stand too close to the hole and should take care during the handling of the flagstick and the removal of a ball from the hole. Do not use a club to remove the ball from the hole.